Magnify Your Screen

Magnify Your Screen

If enlarging your text is not enough to make the page easily readable, the next step is to magnify your screen. Recent versions of Windows include magnification software, which will allow you to increase text to a very large size.

If you are on a Windows computer you can follow the instructions below. Or for help on any browser, click on any of the links listed below.

To open the Windows "Ease of Access Center" options:

  •     Right-click on the Desktop, then left-click on Personalize.
  •     Choose Ease of Access Center located at the very bottom of the left navigation under "See Also."
  •     Explore all settings to make your computer easier to use.

The Windows magnifier is limited in its functionality, however, so many visually impaired users find they need a more sophisticated magnification software program. Here is a list of screen magnifier products:

Apple Magnification